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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » G-SCAN|ADT007|起亚|现代|专业汽车检测仪
产品: 已关注次数:5611G-SCAN|ADT007|起亚|现代|专业汽车检测仪 
批发价: 面议
最小起订量: 20
供货总量: 173
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-01-06 11:35
Fast and easy operation with Touch Screen. Comprehensive display through color LDC. User friendly interface designed. Advanced diagnostic function. Powerful flight record function. Full connectity with PC. Real time S/W management. DTC Analysis Check DTC and related information confirmed by communication with vehicle. S/W management Resetting adaptive Values: Initializing the teaching value in ECU. Version configuration: setting the option such as ABS and TCS configured in ECU. Data Analysis Monitor “Current Data” and related information. ECU upgrarde Automatic event selection by the vehicle. Related information support according to the procedure;. Dual screen Easy comparing between Current Data and Data base.Functionality Improved user interface is the most outstanding feature of G-Scan, which was designed and constructed for easier and handy operation. G-Scan was developed to provides greater user experience of highly efficient repair service through quick and simple access to the advanced diagnostic functions for the cars of multiple brandsOperated by Touch ScreenMenu selection is done by simply touching the screen. Intuitive Touch Screen eliminates complicated button pressing procedure for making selections in the menu. Big size 5.6″ Color TFT LCDG-Scan is equipped with the 5.6” large scale Color TFT LCD, which provides greater readability and more convenient user interface.USB ExpandabilityG-Scan provides multiple USB slots for functional expansion by connecting with the external devices that will become available in the future. Check and erase the self-diagnostic fault codes contained in the electronic control units that support communication with the external diagnostic devices.Provision of standard diagnostic functions for OBD-II and EOBD compliant cars.Display and record of actual driving condition data (Flight record)Provision of advanced diagnostic functionsProvision of actuator test functions
Compatible PCOperating SystemWindows 2000 Service Pack 4 or newerWindows XP Professional (or Home Edition)Windows Vista 32bit (64bit system is not supported)
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